Welcome to Intelligent Networking and Computing Laboratory in Department of Computer Engineering at Sungkyul University.

We will focus on artificial intelligence(AI), machine learning, Internet of Things(IoT), wireless networks, and mobile computing for networked intelligent services. More specifically, we have been developing AI/machine learning-based IoT systems and services to provide a convenient life. We are looking for passionate and self-motivated students and researchers to join our research group. If you are interested in envisioning and realizing the future technologies such as AI, machine learning, Internet of Things and other related research topics, please feel free to contact us by email(slim@sungkyul.ac.kr)

Welcome to Intelligent Networking and Computing Laboratory in Department of Computer Engineering at Sungkyul University.

We will focus on artificial intelligence(AI), machine learning, Internet of Things(IoT), wireless networks, and mobile computing for networked intelligent services. More specifically, we have been developing AI/machine learning-based IoT systems and services to provide a convenient life. We are looking for passionate and self-motivated students and researchers to join our research group. If you are interested in envisioning and realizing the future technologies such as AI, machine learning, Internet of Things and other related research topics, please feel free to contact us by email(slim@sungkyul.ac.kr)


Recent Research Topics

  • Deep learning-based IoT Sensing Systems and Services
  • Deep learning for Human Activity Recognition
  • Recommendation System

Recent Research Topics

–  Deep learning-based IoT Sensing Systems and Services


– Deep learning for Human Activity Recognition


– Recommendation System